Fourth graders enjoy field day

August 15, 2019

Dear LaPerche Families:

On behalf of LaPerche faculty and staff, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2019-2020 School Year!  We are preparing to welcome your children to school by creating inviting classrooms and planning engaging lessons. Will you be ready to send your kids to school in just over a week? We will be ready to greet them!  LaPerche faculty spent time last summer and this summer at Responsive Classroom training which will be fully implemented at all Smithfield Elementary Schools. Our school culture and climate will continue to grow more positive and inclusive.  Additionally teachers worked on a variety of curriculum from math to music! The Administrative Team just completed two days of professional development as we gear up for the new year.  The PD was time for team building and focus on essential skills for leaders.  

Due to an update to Infinite Campus, class placement for first through fifth graders will be shared via email tomorrow, Friday, August 16. 

The first day of school for first through fifth graders is Tuesday, August 27.  The first full day of school for our kindergarten students is Friday, August 30.  Kindergarten students will participate in kindergarten screenings Tuesday, August 27 through Thursday, August 29.  If you do not have an appointment for your kindergarten aged child, please call our school secretary, Mrs. Sandra Bazinet, at 231-6652 to schedule one.

There are many upcoming events already scheduled at LaPerche including:

  • Volunteer Training--Tuesday, August 20 at 9:30--Every adult who plans to volunteer at LaPerche must complete volunteer training ONCE during their child’s career at LaPerche. BCI’s must be completed yearly

  • New Student School Tour--Tuesday, August 20 at 10:00--no need to register, simply join us at LaPerche to see your classroom, meet the school secretary and tour the school!

  • First PTA Meeting--Thursday, September 5 at 6:30 in the LaPerche Library--Please join us and help plan events for the 2019-2020 School Year

  • 5th Grade Committee Meeting--Thursday, September 5 at 7:30 in the LaPerche Library immediately following the PTA meeting--This meeting is for all 5th grade families as we work together to plan an exciting year for our oldest students. 

  • Fall Picture Day at LaPerche--Thursday, September 12 starting at 9:00. Put on your best smile and plan to get your picture taken! Individual student and class pictures will be taken. Picture day forms will be sent home prior to picture day.

  • Open House at LaPerche--Thursday, September 12 from 5:30-7:30.  Bring your whole family to LaPerche to visit your child's classroom, meet your child's teacher and other staff members and explore the building.  This is a drop in event and families are welcome to attend during any of the two hour block.

  • Outdoor Fun Festival--Friday, September 20 from 1:30-3:00--This is our Celebration of Summer Work!  Please visit the Summer Learning Site for all the details. Each student needs to bring their verification form to school before September 20 in order to attend the Fun Festival.  All new students are automatically invited. 

  • Welcome Back BINGO-Friday, September 20 from 5:00-8:00---5:00-6:00 Play outside with your family and enjoy pizza and snacks. 6:30 BINGO starts inside in the cafeteria. If you have any questions, please email Stephanie Robidoux at or Rebecca Travers at

For all school events, please visit the school calendar on the school website and click on the +Google calendar in the lower right corner.  This will sync the school calendar with your calendar. You can also view the calendar in a list format

Please feel free to join us for our First Day Celebration on Tuesday, August 27 at 8:45 a.m. and at any Morning Meeting throughout the year.  To ensure the safety of all, please plan to stand at the back of the cafeteria when inside or off to the side when outside so we can monitor what adults are in the area.  Thank you!

I am excited to announce some changes and a new face you will see at LaPerche Elementary during the upcoming school year. Mr. Plante has joined the team at Gallagher and will be teaching art in middle school.  We will miss him but are thankful our students will have a familiar face to greet them when they transition to middle school. We are thrilled to welcome Miss Miller as our new art teacher. 

From Miss Miller:

Hello Families! 


My name is Casey Miller and I am very excited to begin teaching Art at LaPerche and McCabe during this coming school year. I look forward to getting to know all the students and families this fall but for now here a little bit about me! I am a recent graduate of Rhode Island School of Designs Masters Program of Arts in Education. Previously I worked as a K-6 art teacher for Utica City School District, a Teaching Artist for Project Open Door at Shea High School and a counselor for the Kelberman Center which supports individuals with Autism and their families. My studio practice is generally photo based art but I have experience in a large variety of mediums which I can't wait to share. I look forward to joining the Smithfield community!

As we begin this school year together, it is important for you to know that we welcome you at LaPerche school and believe you are an integral part of your child’s growth and success.  We will work tirelessly to ensure your child has a school year full of engaging learning opportunities and positive social experiences. My door is always open so feel free to email, call or stop in to meet with me. Working together we will ensure your child’s success.

Warmest Regards,

Julie Dorsey


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