Mrs. Wytrwal retires!

August 30, 2019


We had a wonderful first week of school and were excited to welcome our kindergarten students today! At Morning Meeting today we shared some happy but sad news! Mrs.Wytrwal, one of our wonderful speech teachers, had her last day today!  She is retiring and plans to spend more time with her family and friends. Mrs. Wytrwal worked at LaPerche for over 20 years and is a dedicated staff member who will be greatly missed! Today at our school wide Community Meeting, the students and faculty were able to share stories and celebrate her!  We wish Mrs. Wytrwal a beautiful retirement. If you would like to reach out to Mrs. Wytrwal, her email is


Important Reminders:

  • Please return all paperwork that was sent home in the brown envelope ASAP.  Thank you!

  • Anytime you send in a note to school, please include the date, your child’s first AND LAST name and the name of the teacher.  Thank you!

  • In order to volunteer at LaPerche you must have a current BCI on file with the Smithfield Police and have completed volunteer training with Mrs. Dorsey. BCI’s must be completed annually and volunteer training completed once during your child’s time at LaPerche.  Our next volunteer training is scheduled for Wednesday, September 4 at 8:20 am and will take about 15 minutes. Please join us if you need the training. BCI information can be found here. 

  • Once you have a BCI on file and have completed training, you are invited to come in and eat lunch with your child at any time.  No need to call and schedule a time, just stop on by. This goes the same for recess. Feel free to join us when you can!

  • When you are visiting LaPerche for any reason, you will be asked to leave your licence at the front desk and will be given a visitor’s badge to wear.  Your license or other ID will be returned to you when return the badge on your way out.

  • Did your child complete his/her summer work?  If so, he/she needs to bring in a completed Verification form which is the ticket to the Outdoor Fun Festival coming up on September 20.  Check out the Summer Learning Guide for all the details and to print a copy of the form.  We also have hard copies available at the office 

  • We placed cones along our walkway in front of the school.  Students should walk on the side closest to the building at all times.  Thank you for your help reinforcing that when the kids are walking with you. 

  • If you are playing on the playground after school, please walk in the cone lane to the playground and cross the small driveway together.  Students may not be on the playground without adult supervision while bus dismissal is going on. During bus dismissal, students need to remain on the playground away from the blacktop area.

  • If you plan to pick up your child after school, please know that the walker door will close at 3:29 and any students who are still waiting for pick up will be escorted to the office.  Please come in through the main doors and sign your child out at the office if you arrive when the door is closed.  

  • For all after school activities and pick up, please enter the building through door # 3.  


Please join us on Thursday, September 5 at 6:30 for our first PTA meeting.  Our first fifth grade committee meeting will follow at 7:30! All fifth grade families are encouraged to attend.  The meetings take place in the library. (enter through door #3!)


That is all for now! Enjoy the long weekend with your family. 


As soon as all Photo Permission Forms are returned, photos will be posted!