Town Meeting Today
The entire Winsor community of students came together this morning as one to discuss the concepts of kindness and believing in yourself. Students had the opportunity to view a short presentation, emphasizing the need to always be kind to others. We ask that each student give their best, both in and outside of the classroom. This includes treating other people well. Students who demonstrated these dispositions were recognized in front of the entire school. Future opportunities for recognition will be coming soon.
Veterans Day Assembly
Winsor will be recognizing the veterans within our school network. Please, if you know of a veteran with a connection to a Winsor student, ask that individual to join us on Friday, November 8th at 1:15pm. Our school will come together for a town meeting to thank these brave women and men. A presentation, delivered by our local American Legion, will also be available for students. If you have a family member that might be interested, please email me directly.
School Improvement Update
Our School Improvement Team met this week to discuss Winsor's RICAS scores. Our students went up a full seven percent in ELA and nearly five points in Math. This data was presented within the context of our school improvement plan, reviewing where we are currently and discussing meeting these goals by the end of this academic year. Thank you to those that could attend. Even if you have yet to attend a meeting, if you would like to join, please contact the school. We will meet again in the next several weeks.
Thank you for being our partners in education. We hope everyone has a nice weekend and look forward to the return of our students next Monday.
As a friendly reminder, there is no school on either Monday, November 11th (Veterans Day) and Thursday, November 14th (PD for staff). Please plan accordingly.