#Engage, Energize, & Educate

February 14th

Good Afternoon PVE Families,

Mrs. Dohoney and I want to thank our students and staff for a very successful fire drill this morning, even in winter weather conditions.

Thank you for your cooperation on following school protocols on when to keep your child home and car rider arrivals. As a result, there has been a tremendous increase in safety and a reduction in the backup of traffic onto Pleasant View Avenue in the morning.

There is No School February 17th-February 21st for Winter Break.

A Message from Chartwells

March Elementary Breakfast 

March Elementary Lunch

March Elementary Lunch GF


Denim & Pearls Ladies Bingo Night!

Student Choice Flyer

PVES Night At Fenway Park

2025 Yearbook Order Information

Sip & Shares with the Principals Feb. 28th

SLL 2025 Registration

Chromebook Chargers:

The IT Department has provided the following list of charges for repairs on student Chromebooks:

 Replacement Chrome books $250.00

Broken Screen — $75.00

Broken Keyboard— $50.00

Power Adapter (Charger)— $ 30.00

A new Case— $15.00

Survey Works Reminder

We currently have 68 families out of 551 who have completed their SURVEY Works.

Please let us know how well we are doing and in which areas we still can improve by taking this  short survey online until March 31st. To take the survey, visit: bit.ly/ridefamily.  Choose your school from the dropdown list. 

If we have 70% family participation, we will have a school-wide PAJAMA DAY in April.

4 Easy Steps to Complete Your Family Survey

Step 1: Visit bit.ly/ridefamily

Step 2: You have now accessed the family survey. There is a drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner: select English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Step 3: Click where it says select and look for your child’s school in the drop-down menu. Once you find the school, click on “Take this Survey.” 

Step 4: For each question, select the answers that best apply to your experience and beliefs. Once finished, click “Submit,” and you are done! 

Survey Works Flyer-English

Survey Works Flyer-Spanish

Important Dates:

Monday, February 17th-Friday, February 21st-No School for Presidents Day/Winter Recess

Tuesday, February 25th-Chelo’s fifth grade fundraiser

Monday, March 3rd- Read Across America Spirit Day

Tuesday, March 4th-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend.

Thursday, March 6th-Volunteers needed for Ladies Bingo set up. Please contact Alycia at pleasantviewptopresident@gmail.com to sign up to help set up. 

Friday, March 7th Ladies Bingo Night at the Portuguese American Club

Saturday, March 8th- Selected 4th & 5th Graders will participate in the All State Chorus 9:00-3:30 pm at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium-More information to follow

Wednesday, March 12th-Lifetouch Spring Picture Day

Monday, March 17th- Friday, March 21st-Respect Week. Flyer forthcoming

Wednesday, March 19th-SSELAC meeting at SHS Media Center at 6:30pm & The Fifth Grade Pasta Dinner at SHS

Friday, March 21st-9:30 am assembly for students in the Gym on Respect Week & 5th Grade Vaping Assembly at 1:30 pm

Tuesday, April 1st-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend

Wednesday, April 2nd-World Autism Day! Wear your tie dye.

Thursday, April 3rd & Friday, April 4th-RICAS ELA Testing in grades 3, 4, & 5

Friday, April 4th-Fifth Graders vs. Staff Basketball, Soccer,  or Kickball Game

Sunday, April 6th-Student Choice is Dave & Busters from 9:00-12:00 pm or the Dance from 4:00-7:00 pm 

Monday April 7th-Friday April 11th- Reading Week-more information to follow

Thursday, April 10th-Teaching & Learning Night-more information to follow.

Monday, April 14th-Friday, April 18th-No School for Spring Recess

Friday, April 18th-PVES Night At Fenway Park-Tickets must be purchased prior to Feb. 15th

Tuesday, April 22nd-Earth Day Activities

Saturday, May 3rd-Fifth Grade Pool Party from 2:00-4:00 pm

Tuesday, May 6th-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend.

Wednesday, May 7th-RICAS Math Testing in grades, 3, 4, and 5. Hearing Screenings take place at PVES.

Monday, May 12th-Wednesday, May 14th- Musical Rehearsal

Wednesday, May 14th-NGSS Science Testing in Grade 5

Thursday, May 15th-Musical Performance-more information to follow

Friday, May 16th-In school musical performance at SHS

Wednesday, May 21st-SSELAC meeting at SHS Media Center at 6:30pm

Thursday, May 22nd-Grade 3 & 4 Field Trip to the RI Philharmonic from 10:30-1:00 pm/End of Year Carnival in the staff parking lot

Monday, May 26th-No School for Memorial Day

Thursday, May 29th-PVE’s Got Talent- Talent Show at SHS

Friday, May 30th-District Fifth Grade Field Day at Deerfield Park and Fifth Grade Dance from 6:00-8:00 pm

Monday, June 2nd-2P & 2L have a field trip to Revive the Roots from 9:30-11:30 am/Special Olympics Torch Run-Date and time to be determined.

Tuesday, June 3rd-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend. 2K & 2A Revive the Roots field trip from 9:30-11:30 am.

Thursday, June 5th-Field Day at PVES

Friday, June 6th-Rain Date for Field Day at PVES

Wednesday, June 11th-Tentative Kindergarten Ceremony at PVES and Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony at SHS 

Thursday, June 12th- Fifth Grade Pizza Lunch in the courtyard at 11:10 am.  Parents (with BCI’s and volunteer training are welcome to supervise).

Monday, June 16th-Tentative Last Day of School! 

September 15th-Boosterthon Kick-Off

September 24th-Boosterthon Event

Have a wonderful weekend.  We hope your child enjoys having next week off.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Mrs. Dohoney & Mrs. Viera